Activation factors for the Japanese market
Auction house activation factors in the Japanese market (benchmarking)
Retailer High Utilization of Auction House
Utilize as a processing route for long-term inventory
Generalization of buying means for retail goods
Existence of a clear market leader
Existence of a leading company in the market for purchase/auction/wholesale/retail (Gulliver/USS/Maker affiliates, etc.)
A very stable and mature market
Existence of convenient service for large consumers
My car processing Various options available
Existence of a certified used car purchase program
Existence of a shop specializing in the purchase of items from the auction house
Buying a lot of vehicles from consumers
Retail / Auction Sorting Distribution
Product / High reliability of price information
Notice of product information in the process of market segmentation / Warranty
Mutual recognition of price in the distribution process
Mutual recognition of market function
Selling My Car Information Provision Business => Purchase
Market segmentation such as auction house entry/retail